About this issue: Overview
From Nicky in Our Friends in the North to Oedipus, Christopher Eccleston has specialised in playing characters at odds with themselves. It’s the stuff of drama, the Salford-born actor tells Richard Smirke.
Following her revelation that a lecturer promised her a better degree if she slept with him, Harriet Harman hits back at the critics for victim shaming. And she says Labour should have done more for the north. By Kevin Gopal.
A new project is trying to tackle Liverpool’s housing shortage by moving families into the city’s empty properties, writes Ben Cartwright.
Fiddler on the Roof is famed for its catchy songs and a narrative that teeters between comedy and tragedy. Andy Murray asks what a musical set in Imperial Russia can teach us about tolerance and faith in the present day.
How can people tackle immigration myths in the heated post-EU referendum period? Free workshops will give them the tools to confront without being confrontational.
Werner Herzog’s letter to his younger self is as self-confident as you’d expect it to be. “It became clear I was some sort of poet,” writes the creator of films including Fitzcarraldo, Nosferatu and Aguirre: Wrath of God.
Plus, our ever popular crossword and Sudoku, and the chance to win great Big Issue North merchandise.