About this issue: Overview
Geoffrey Boycott is outspoken about the state of modern cricket and romantic about his own career but he’s far from being one of those sporting types who insist nothing can ever be as good as it was in their day. Kevin Gopal hears him out.
Zee Smith’s father managed to convince doctors she thought she was eating Smarties when in fact she’d swallowed 30 Paracetamol. This kind of deception is one reason it’s so hard to detect forced marriages, even though they’re illegal, reports Saskia Murphy.
Last week the government tried to delay a court order forcing it to cut air pollution. Ciara Leeming reports on the threat to health caused by breathing in diesel fumes and finds that northern cities are among the worst for breaching EU guidelines.
Plus Sonic Youth founder Thurston Moore’s letter to his younger self, author Tracy Chevalier on her re-telling of Othello, a profile of Mark, Leeds city centre vendor, crossword, Sudoku and more.
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