About this issue: Overview
Catalogue of hits
The north’s online fashion industry is a worldwide success, responding to trends and pushing out new lines at high speed. But do Boohoo and co owe their success to something altogether more old-fashioned, asks Saskia Murphy.
Truamatised by separation
Salvadoran migrant Katy Rodriguez was separated from her three-year-old son when she got to the US and didn’t see him for four months until she was deported. She recalls the inhumane conditions of her detention centre and the pain of separation.
Bearing Witness
Former Jehovah’s Witness turned filmmaker Daniel Kokotajlo discusses how he drifted from the strictures of the controversial religion during his time as a student in Manchester, and tells Christian Lisseman how he made his debut work, Apostasy.
Untying the purse strings
In 1928 an anonymous donor set up the National Fund charity with a lump sum of £500,000, in the hope of clearing the UK’s national debt. Ninety years later that same charity is sitting on the sizeable sum of half a billion pounds, unable to donate a penny. Roger Ratcliff uncovers the bizarre story.
News, arts and entertainment, columnist Saskia Murphy on ITV’s hit reality show Love Island, barrister Geoffrey Robertson writes a letter to his younger self, crossword, Sudoku and more.