About this issue: Overview
Rough estimates: The end of winter may be in sight but the future remains cold and bleak for rough sleepers in northern towns and cities. Saskia Murphy assesses new attempts to help them, in the first of a two-part series on homelessness.
DIY could be undone: In Salford a group of homeless people, with support from local organisations, have found themselves a roof over their heads, stability and even employment. But as Ciara Leeming discovers in the second part of our homelessness series, it’s a squat – and so all the residents have achieved is under threat.
Snap chat: Martin Parr is one of Britain’s leading photographers. But does the deluge of snapshots making up half of his major exhibition in Manchester document the changing city – or is it part of an attempt to repackage it, asks Peter Barker.
Plus: News, arts and entertainment, actor and director Sam Morton’s letter to her younger self, columnist Saskia Murphy on the short-sightedness of stripping Shamima Begum of her citizenship, crossword, Sudoku and more.
Please note: We have a cover wrap on this week’s Big Issue North so look out for this on sale from your local vendor: