Issue 1442

25 Jul 2022
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About this issue: Overview

A sweet and sour wind up
As both Anthony Burgess’s A Clockwork Orange and Stanley Kubrick’s notorious film adaptation celebrate notable anniversaries in 2022, Dan Whitehead unpeels the author’s personal archive to discover why he soured on his best-known work.

Long distances and lives
When Mo Farah’s revelation about being trafficked as a child hit the headlines, public awareness about modern slavery grew. Charlie Jaay reveals the story of victims supported by a northern charity.

Racism in the NHS
A new film highlights how NHS staff in the North have faced racism from patients and colleagues, and been exposed to greater Covid risks than other employees. But will the film be watched by those who need to see it?


Arts and entertainment, Simon Pegg’s letter to his younger self, columnist Saskia Murphy on the heatwave’s wake-up call – and much more.