About this issue: Overview
Bez’s letter to his younger self
The Happy Mondays star recalls being homeless, going onstage for the first time, keeping bees and dancing in church in his wedding.
Strict form of anarchy
A two bed flat in a visionary socialist housing project in London sells for over half a million pounds. A Northern council leader horrified by slum conditions becomes a byword for local government corruption. For his novel about the Peckham Experiment, Guy Ware found links that you might not expect.
Colour blind
Photojournalist Roland Schmid documents the lives of Vietnamese people left with the horrific enduring legacy of the deadly herbicide Agent Orange, widely used by the US in its long war.
Autumn walks
The colours of the season, socialist history and migrating birds are all on display in these four fine walks brought to you by Roger Ratcliffe.
News, arts and entertainment, economist James Meadway on profiteering energy companies, columnist Saskia Murphy is uneasy about the World Cup in Qatar – and much more.