Homeless charity’s appeal

Homelessness is on the rise, according to Barnabus. By Kevin Gopal

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Manchester homeless charity Barnabus has seen a 50 per cent rise in the number of people seeking its help this year.

Barnabus attributes the rise to the effects of the downturn in the economy and the spending cuts it has led to.

The Christian charity’s stocks of clothing and supplies to help the homeless are dwindling and it has launched an appeal to replenish them, helped by local media companies.

Former Miss Cheshire Holly Ikin stars in an advert (pictured) shot at Photolink Studios and made by creative agency The Kings Arms. The advert ran on the video screens at Piccadilly Gardens, with the space donated by Forrest Media.

Peter Green, founder of Barnabus, said: “I can’t stress how important it is for the homeless to have clean and dry clothing to give them some self-respect and dignity. Due to the increase of people seeking our help, the reduction in local services and the harsh winter, our stocks are very low again.

“It is vital we get clothing and shoes, not just for the summer but to build up our supplies ahead of the winter. Any items that aren’t appropriate for the homeless will raise much needed funds through our own charity shop.”

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