On Saturday four staff members from The Big Life group (of which The Big Issue is a part) took part in a 10k in Derbyshire to raise money for The Big Issue in the North Trust. Caroline Price, Danny Hulme, Fiona Turner and Christian Lisseman all took part in the event around Thornbridge Hall, and were joined by a hundreds of other runners and walkers who were there supporting various small charities from across the country.
It was a great day, the sun stayed out (for the most part) and the few showers that came were refreshingly welcome for those running.
Danny Hulme (who works for the mental health charity Self Help Services) completed the course in just over an hour, while fundraiser Christian, joined by his terrier dog Ruby, scampered in at around 1hour and 15mins. Caroline and Fiona, who was joined by her daughter and her two dogs, decided to walk the course and enjoy the beautiful Derbyshire scenery.
The team has rasied around £700 so far, but if you want to show your support for the team you can still sponsor them by visiting www.justgiving.com/bigissuenorth10k and making a donation. All the money raised is going to provide support and services to vendors of The Big Issue in the North.
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