Festival to celebrate ‘best of the north’

Arts, culture and innovation at centre of Hannah in Leeds

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A new arts, culture and innovation festival highlighting the best of the contemporary north of England begins in Leeds next week.

Hannah, which runs from 12-16 June, will feature arts and music events, debates, new science and technology and family-friendly activities. It will be held in venues across the city.

Highlights of the diverse programme include gigs by touted York band Fawn Spots and others, an interactive Twitter-based art exhibition and an atmospheric night of suffragette-inspired films in the old prison cells at Leeds Town Hall (pictured above).

There will also be poetry readings and educational talks – free after-work classes at the festival’s “pop-up polytechnic” (including tips for starting your own business).

In all, there will be nearly 30 events over the four days of Hannah – named after an inspirational figure from the north, Hannah Mitchell (1872–1956), a suffragette and rebel who tried to create “beauty in civic life” in her work on public libraries, parks and gardens.

During the festival, people can take part in a walkshop – spending an hour in small groups on the streets of Leeds documenting its past, present and future. That research will be drawn together and published by Leeds-based designer and writer Matt Edgar.

Girl Geek Evening, meanwhile, provides an opportunity to hang out with the city’s brightest women digital creatives, technologists, developers and entrepreneurs.

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For families, Icky Sticky Kids brings messy play to the city centre (pictured right) – they clean up afterwards so you don’t have to. Super Monster Spotters gives tech-savvy kids the chance to be among the first in the world to play a great new iPhone game that uses the streets of Leeds as the setting for monsterish fun.

Most Hannah events are free, while others charge a nominal fee – usually £3.

For more information see www.hannahfestival.com

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