Ion, Tesco, Deysbrook Lane, Liverpool

Hero image

How long have you sold Big Issue North for?
I have sold the magazine for three years. I enjoy it. It’s good. I sell it to make money. I have another job, in an office, but the hours are not reliable. Sometimes I get many hours and sometimes nothing. This is no good for me. I have seven kids and a wife and I must earn money for the family and for rent. We live in a house in Liverpool but it is expensive.

What was your childhood like?
It was good. I went to school. I was born in March, 1985. I was born in Romania but I lived with my family in Spain as well. The rest of my family – my dad, my brothers and sisters – all still live in Spain.

Tell us about your own family.
My youngest child is one year old and the eldest is 12. Five of my children were born in Spain and two in Liverpool. We have lived in Liverpool for five years.

Why did you come to the UK?
I had a friend here and I heard it was a good place to come. Now this is my home. Romania is no good for jobs. There’s no money and things are very expensive there. 

Tell us about your teeth.
I have gold teeth! But they are synthetic. I had them done in Spain.

What makes you happy?
My family and my home all make me very happy.

What makes you sad?
When I have no money for my family.

Do you have a message for your customers?
I have good customers and I want to say thank you to them.

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Interact: Responses to Ion, Tesco, Deysbrook Lane, Liverpool

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