Serenada, Marks and Spencer, Southport

Hero image

Tell us a bit about yourself.
I came to Liverpool with my mum and dad when I was very young. I have a strong Liverpudlian accent because I grew up here. I am 19 now. If people ask me where I am from, I say I am from Romania, but I have been living here for most of my life. England is my home. Whenever I go to Romania I wish to be back here quickly.

Why do you choose to sell Big Issue North magazine?
I sell the magazine because it helps me and it’s a nice job to do. I enjoy it. Sometimes it’s hard. Sometimes it’s not. It helps me to get things for my kids and the jobs fits around childcare. If there’s a problem with my kids, I can just leave my pitch to go and deal with it. In other jobs, you might not be able to do that as easily.

Tell us about your children.
I have two children. One is two, the other is just a few months old. My son, the two year old, was born in Romania during lockdown. I had a lot of family around me. My other child was born here. I live with them and my partner in Liverpool.

What do you wish for in the future?
Nothing. Just for life to be nice and to stay healthy with my kids.

Do you have any brothers or sisters?
Yes. I have ten! I am the eldest. My mother stays at home looking after her children and my dad is a delivery driver and works in scrap metal. They all live in Liverpool. My parents are both impressed with me and how I have done.

What do you want for your children when they grow up?
I want them to do well at school and get good jobs, maybe like doctors or something. I would have liked to have been a doctor, but I couldn’t.

Why not?
It’s hard. You have to study a long time and have lots of money. Maybe I could be a nurse one day. Maybe. Who knows? I could go to college. In our country, you don’t go to college. Some of the children don’t even go to school. My mum made sure we went though. She worked hard for us. One of the reasons that my parents came to the UK was to give their children a better life.

Do you have a message for your customers?
My customers in Southport are all very kind. I want to say thanks for buying the magazine and for looking out for me.

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