Veronica, Marks and Spencer, Glossop

Hero image

Tell us a bit about yourself.
I am 22 years old and I am from Romania but I’ve lived in the UK for about two years. I’ve been selling Big Issue North since September last year. 

How’s it going?
Well I have some brilliant customers. Sometimes it can be busy and Glossop is a nice town and the people are very kind and nice with me. But I am quite new here so sometimes people don’t know who I am. I am just starting to build up some regular customers. It gives me motivation when people come and say hello to me. Especially when they stop and chat and not just take the magazine and go. 

Where do you live?
I live in Levenshulme and get two buses to Glossop. It costs quite a lot of money to get here and I spend about three hours travelling every day. And it can be hard when you go to your pitch and no one wants to buy a magazine and people just walk past and ignore you and no one talks to you.  

Why do you sell the magazine?
It helps me a lot. I have a child so I find it hard to get a different job. This job means I can look after my son when I need to. 

Tell us about your son.
My child is very important to me. He is only eight months old. I need to be able to buy things for him like clothes and food, and to pay my rent and my bills. 

Do you have a partner?
No, I do not. It’s just me and my son. It is very difficult. Sometimes life is difficult and I am very sad but I try and stay positive for my son. 

What are your hopes for the future?
I don’t know. It’s not important, my future. I am just thinking about the future of my child. I want him to have a good childhood. I am always looking out for him so that he has a very beautiful childhood and for him to grow up to be heathy and to do well at school. I just want to give him the kind of childhood that I didn’t have, and for him to have the things that I didn’t have. 

What was your childhood like?
My childhood was quite difficult. We were poor. Life in Romania can be very hard. I can remember going to school sometimes without any shoes. Yes. It was very difficult. 

What makes you happy?
My baby makes me happy. I try to be a good mum for my child. 

Do you have a message for your customers?
Thank you very much. Thanks for not ignoring me. When people come to my pitch I am very glad because they make me happy. I am just very thankful to them. They really help me. God bless everyone who helps me.

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