Meet our vendors: Rebeca

Holt Park, Leeds

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Nice to see you, Rebeca. 

How long have you been working as a vendor? 

Seven years. My customers are very good, very kind. I want to stay on this pitch; I like it. 

How have your sales been recently? 

I’ve not been selling very many magazines. It’s been very hard with money. I am struggling with rent and looking after my kids, so I need to do something. I just need more customers. 

Why do you think sales are down? 

It’s a difficult time of year to make money because people are on holiday. The weather has been bad as well. I hope things improve soon. My regular customers have been very good and keep buying from me. 

How often are you on your pitch? 

I usually do Tuesdays to Saturdays, during the day. But this week, I came on a Monday. I’m having to do fewer days at the moment because I haven’t been very well – I have been suffering from stress and some heart issues. I am going to the doctor today. 

I am still doing at least three days a week, though. 

What do you do when you are not working? 

I am just a mum. I have three children – two girls and one boy. My eldest is eight and then seven, and my baby is three.  

My sister died two years ago, and she had two children, so I look after them as well. It’s been difficult. 

I spend all my time with my children when I am not selling the magazine. I have a lot of cleaning and washing and cooking to do as well! 

If it is sunny, though, we go to the park and have time outside. We don’t do anything special, just have time together. 

Find out more about our vendors and the work we do to support them right here

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