Meet our vendors

Ionut, Leeds City Centre

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How long have you been working as a vendor?

I have been selling the magazine for two years now. I’m 20 years old now, so I started working when I was a teenager.

Do you enjoy it?

Yes. It depends a lot on the people you meet – how caring and nice they are. You just have keep working and keep going. In the future, I’ll see what I’ll do. But for now, I am trying to work hard.

Do you know many of the other vendors?

Yes, my family also sell. My dad and my uncle. We all sell the magazine.

When you are not working, what do you like to do?

I like computer games. I like to play FIFA against my dad. I beat him every time! My favourite team is Liverpool and my dad’s is Man City – Liverpool always wins when we play.

We’ve heard you are multi-lingual – what languages do you speak?

I speak Romanian, Spanish and a little bit of ‘Deutsche’!

Wow, that’s a lot of languages!

Yes, I’m a clever man!

Do you have any messages for your customers?

I love them all and thank you for caring about me and supporting me.

Interact: Responses to Meet our vendors

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