Ten years since the first instalment, Tom Hanks returns in Inferno, the third and hopefully final movie based on the Dan Brown cryptography thriller novels. Professor Robert Langdon (Hanks) finds himself once again in the middle of a mysterious plot to topple the world. This time the religious art-based conspiracy revolves around Dante’s The Divine Comedy in a plan to release a population-culling virus. Once again it’s full of pseudo-intellectual claptrap and the main characters having to shout out the bleeding obvious in a primary school play fashion. Some will still enjoy Inferno, but most will recognise that the talent both in front and behind the camera is worthy of more.
Those not quite ready for the reality of this week’s Big Issue North cover story can go watch Storks. Famed for bringing babies to our doors, the birds here have decided to ditch the notoriously difficult infants and build an empire on the much more profitable online store delivery service. Upon discovering an undelivered baby in a warehouse one stork and his orphaned human friend take it upon themselves to deliver the now contraband package. A fun animated family adventure, Storks provides enough slapstick, adventure and adult subtext to entertain all.
Mark Wheeler
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