End Credits: A Cure For Wellness, Southern Fury

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Bloated, lethargic, confused. These are just some of the symptoms of Gore Verbinski’s ambitious new gothic mystery A Cure For Wellness. Young executive Lockhart is tasked with bringing back his employer’s CEO from a mysterious wellness centre in the Swiss Alps, where all, obviously, is not what it seems. An interesting concept and beautifully shot, but style over substance and vast over-indulgence means A Cure For Wellness is as effective as snake oil quackery.

Things don’t get much better with Southern Fury, a cliched, predictable, violent mobster action thriller starring Nic Cage and released as Arsenal in the States. One man must risk everything to save his kidnapped brother from a ruthless crime boss. it’s the kind of synopsis you have to read in an overly dramatic husky voice.

Mark Wheeler

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