End Credits: A Wrinkle in Time

Plus: Pacific Rim: Uprising

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Imagine the Wizard of Oz crossed with Inception or Interstellar, falling down the rabbit hole and meeting Alice in Wonderland, and you’re some way towards understanding science fantasy flick A Wrinkle in Time. Meg’s astrophysicist father is being held captive on a distant planet by an inter-universal evil. With the help of her younger brother and three strange, fairy godmother-esque astral travellers – Mrs Which (Oprah Winfrey), Mrs Whatsit (Reese Witherspoon) and Mrs Who (Mindy Kaling) – she must travel to bizarre and mysterious worlds in order to rescue him.

The Guillermo del Toro-directed Pacific Rim offered a refresh to the massive robot vs monster format. Now The Kaijus have returned and so must the Jaegers, with a new generation of pilots controlling them. Unfortunately, Pacific Rim: Uprising, the delayed and troubled sequel, is a lacklustre cash-in.

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