Music Q&A:
Denis Jones

The musician is launching his album 3333 at Manchester’s Band On The Wall, 18 April, with Graham Massey’s Toolshed

Hero image

What informs your music and songwriting?
On this occasion the album was a chance for me to condense my ideas begun on the first two records. Looking into mythology, religious text, non-fiction and science fiction books for lyrical inspiration, with the addition of a healthy slice of BBC Radio 4, the content became a soundtrack to a self-imagined film, with vistas of Bacchus and beasts and magic.

How have you evolved as a artist over the years?
I have taught myself how to play and record drums, while finding my own sound as a recording engineer, producer and mixer. This evolution into a self-contained unit where I can conceive and accomplish an idea as quickly as possible is my greatest work for the past three years. With the addition of more conceptual and composition/sound design work, I’m able to broaden my working environment and opportunities for collaboration.

What are you up to at the moment artistically?
At the moment I am rehearsing with friends to play my album tracks at Band on the Wall, Manchester on 18 April, with a view to take the show on the road later this year.

Denis Jones – Don Benito – Live from Wasp Video on Vimeo.

What’s on your rider?
Pineapple juice.

Tell us your most embarrassing or surreal experience.
What is surreal is I end up working with other people by the name of Denis/Dennis.

What song do you wish you’d written?
Hiccup by Buke and Gase.

What’s your worst lyric?
“Yoko Ono mixing in phone.”

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